Saturday, June 27, 2009

Crack me up!!

I know people always talk about how funny their kids are... but Jackson just cracks me up!  He has found a new phrase and uses it all the time.  We have no idea where he heard it or got it from!  He used it the other day standing on the side of the pool and said "Mommy look, Mommy look!"  Finally I turned to pay attention and he screams "I LOVE YOU IN MY LIFE!"  and jumps in.  How can you not laugh hysterically at that.  He says it all the time.  To Lily Kate, Justin, Lucy our dog, the neighbors... everyone.  And it is not just said but yelled!  I ask him "where did you hear this" or "why do you say that"  and his nonchalant answer is always "for I just do."  I mean really Mom no big deal I just love you in my life.  He is so full of life, his teachers would probably tell you he is full of something else but I choose to approach it this way.  He approaches everything with such intensity.  He either LOVES YOU IN HIS LIFE or he is SOOOOO ANGY AT YOU.  Seriously, this is what he says to people... me, the lifeguard, his bff Jakey,  "I am so angry at you!"  I guess it is better than physical force. Oh lord the days we have ahead of us with this one!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute:) Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks. Love, Blake
